Join sinners at Church on Sundays to be regularly encouraged by Jesus to love more and sin less...

JOIN SINNERS ( is a Christian outreach ministry poking fun at those in mainstream society who are averse to talking about sin (nothing wrong with a little fun). The ministry believes that it is important to recognise that nobody is ever able to totally escape being a sinner, but by following Jesus we are all able to love more and sin less. The ministry believes that Christianity provides regular followers of Jesus with FREE HELP to love more and sin less (when taking their faith seriously).

The ministry realises that encouraging love is the priority purpose Christianity but this doesn't mean that it is wise to ignore the importance of discouraging sin (sin can be likened to the absence of love):

The ministry and a sister ministry called LOVE NOT SIN ( have been established to pull mainstream society back to the importance of discouraging sin as well as encouraging love. Both ministries see everyone as sinners (everyone is addicted to various forms of sin), so reject any accusations that the ministries are being judgemental. Both ministries see Christianity as a very effective way to help everyone to love more and sin less (by confronting their addictions to sin). Both ministries encourage people to regularly attend church to be regularly encouraged by Jesus to love more and sin less.

The ministry shares some Great Instructions and uses free posters and affordable custom printed t-shirts and a great challenge to promote its important message.

It is worth remembering that there is no better way than Christianity to help people to love more and sin less.

It is also worth remembering that not even Christians manage to permanently escape the sin bin.